Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Bug in the Drawer

Bugs are totally gross...I get it! Trust me! If I mention the word "bug" in my classroom, I have more students (yes...boys too) on the desks than I have ever seen before! It's so crazy how we are so BIG and yet afraid of something SO small. This past week, I noticed that when I open the top drawer in my desk, there is this small beetle like bug sitting on my reward tickets! Every time, I try to inch my way into the drawer and move my hand to pick up the reward ticket (with the bug sitting there), this little stinker goes back under the drawer where I can't get to it! I have attempted to remove this bug for three days and have had no luck. You are  all probably thinking, why don't you just empty your drawer and take the drawer out?  Yes, I could empty everything out of the drawer and remove the drawer and then get this bug, but I have realized that this has turned into a game and one day I will win this game and put this bug in a better place for him which will be outside!
Now almost finished with the first quarter, this bug got me thinking.  We all have bugs or little aggravations or little moments in our school days that we don't expect.  Lesson plans don't go as well, a last minute meeting scheduled, common core standards that need to be taught, curriculum maps that don't quite match to today's date, or basic concepts/topics that need to be reviewed which takes time that should have been mastered the first week of school!  Good grief, where's the bag of chocolate!? :) But yet, we still make it through each school day and school year seeing students/teachers succeed, smile, share, learn, and grow!

Hebrews 10:24 KJV
"And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works"

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