Saturday, August 2, 2014

Save Water...Drink Wine

Today I saw a shirt on Facebook that said, "Save Water...Drink Wine," and of all days, today would probably be the best day to actually drink wine, wear the shirt, or heck, do both! :) As seen on CNN and Fox News,  I'm sure you are all aware of the "water algae crisis" occurring in Northwest Ohio (and yes I am one of the 500,000+ affected) which prohibits all drinking of tap water.  So this morning, I decided to go get a case of bottled water. Well, another 1,000 people had the same idea. I never imagined a day in August to see thousands of people at the grocery store all to buy something as simple as water! It was as crazy as Black Friday except you weren't able to get your cup of coffee through the drive through at McDonalds or go to Bob Evans for breakfast. 

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